Archived Newsletters

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Check Out Some of Our Archived STEM Success Stories!


Quarter I

Alyssa’s Story: To Mars and Beyond!

Barbara’s Story: A Lifelong Legacy

Giulia’s Story: Reaching for the Stars!

Deepthi’s Story: Leading with Confidence


Quarter II

Amanda Grace: A Quest for Universal Beauty

Victoria Vida: Your New S.T.E.A.M. Best Friend and Actress Extraordinaire

Joalda Morancy: Holding her Head up High

Indigo Bolandrini: World-Class Diver Extraordinaire

Jr. Astronaut Mackenzie: Future Pilot and Math Major Extraordinaire



Quarter III

“If you can dream something you can do it”: Maryam Javaheri, Future first Iranian Astronaut

Brenna Pyatt: Reaching High when Feeling Down

Lenay Demetrious: The Galactic Thespian

Dianna Cowern: Today’s Physics Girl; Tomorrow’s Bill Nye

Quarter IV

Beth Nicholls-Taking on Environmental Awareness in New York One Student at a Time

Sharon Oh- CEO and Tech Entrepreneur Extraordinaire!


Quarter V- Special Anniversary Edition